select the created record onSubmitSuccess

select the created record onSubmitSuccess

madimanemadimane Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2013 in Editor
Hi folks,
I'm using the dataTable Editor recently and i want to achieve the following :
I want to select automatically the new record added to the dataTable in OnSubmitSuccess, to be able to update its data from the data sent from server.

I use the code bellow for edit, and i want to use the same logic for create, but i don't know how to select the created record:

editor.on( 'onSubmitSuccess', function (e, json, data)
// Get associated domTable
var domTable = e.currentTarget.s.domTable.replace("#","")
var fieldId;
// Get the tableTools
var oTT = TableTools.fnGetInstance(domTable);
var aSelectedTrs;
var sSelectedData;
var realValue;
var nameSplited;
var fieldName;
// Get the selected record
aSelectedTrs = oTT.fnGetSelected();
sSelectedData = oTT.fnGetSelectedData();
if( aSelectedTrs.length > 0)
// Get all fields autoComplete
for (var i = 0 ; i < e.currentTarget.s.fields.length; i++)
if(e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].type == "autoComplete")
fieldId = "#"+e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].id;
// Update the td value and realValue attribute associated
/* Update the associated data with the display value
because the data was updated using the realValue
sSelectedData[0][e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].name] = $(fieldId).val();
// update data
sSelectedData[0][e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].name] =[e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].name];

Thank you in advance for your help


  • madimanemadimane Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited October 2013
    Hi folks,

    I resolved my problem by doing the following code.

    editor.on( 'onSubmitSuccess', function (e, json, data)
    var oTableNodes = oTable.fnGetNodes();
    var oTableData = oTable.fnGetData();
    if((oTableNodes && oTableNodes.length > 0) && (oTableData && oTableData.length > 0) ){

    var oTNewNode = oTableNodes[oTableNodes.length - 1]
    var oTNewData = oTableData[oTableData.length - 1]
    // Get all fields
    for (var i = 0 ; i < e.currentTarget.s.fields.length; i++)
    oTNewData[e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].name] =[e.currentTarget.s.fields[i].name];

    Any suggestion to do it better is more than welcome.
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