HTML5 Data Tag to init

HTML5 Data Tag to init

FlashJuniorFlashJunior Posts: 9Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2011 in Feature requests
I have many different tables, with diffrent settings.
It would be cool if you could declerate this settings directly from html :-)

I build a little workarround for me. but its very ugly :-)

Example @

A table looks like this

Col 1
Col 3


my ugly js code:


$(document).ready(function() {

var table = $(this);
var table_d ="datatable");

//init table sorting
var aoColumns = [];
var aaSorting = [];

$('thead th', table).each(function(){
var obj = $(this);
var obj_d ="datatable");

var aoColumnsObj = {}

if(obj_d && obj_d.sort){

if(obj_d && obj_d.sorttype){
aoColumnsObj.sType = obj_d.sorttype;

if(obj_d && obj_d.classes){
aoColumnsObj.sClass = obj_d.classes;



//init table settings
var table_s = {}
table_s.bJQueryUI = true;
table_s.bProcessing = true;
table_s.bDeferRender = true;
table_s.sPaginationType = "full_numbers";

table_s.aaSorting = aaSorting;
table_s.aoColumns = aoColumns;

table_s.fnDrawCallback = function() {table.trigger("fnDrawCallback");};

table_s.aLengthMenu = [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "Alle"]];

if(table_d && table_d.source){
table_s.sAjaxSource = table_d.source;

if(table_d && table_d.statesave == "true"){
table_s.bStateSave = table_d.statesave;

if(table_d && table_d.displaylength){
table_s.iDisplayLength = table_d.displaylength;

oTable = table.dataTable(table_s);



the cool thing is that i just need to put "datatable_display" class on a table and it's ready.

what do you think?!
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